Cell Project

This is our analogy of a living/functioning animal cell.  Our analogy is a busy island that has a town that makes cars on it.  We choose this because the car making city has the characteristics of an animal cell. 




The Different Organelles and Their Analogies


City Analogy



City Hall

The nucleus is the control center of the cell.  We compared it to city hall because city hall is the control center of the city.

Cell Membrane


The cell membrane is the outer layer of the cell that controls what enters and exits the cell.  It also protects the cell from the outside.  We compared it to the beach of our island because the beach lies at the edge of the island.


Car Factory

In a cell, the ribosomes make the proteins in the cell.  This is like how the car factories make the cars in a city.


Grocery Store

In the cell, the mitochondrion changes chemical energy found in food into compounds that is easier to use.  This is like how a grocery store packages food, modifies it and sells it to people.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Roads that ship the cars

The endoplasmic reticulum transports material through the inside of the cell.  This is similar to how roads help transport goods throughout a city.

Golgi Apparatus

Auto Shop

The Golgi Apparatus modifies proteins in a cell. This is similar to how auto shops modify cars.


City Dump

The lysosomes in a cell clean out the cells wates, and get rid of organelles that have out lived there usefulness. The city dump takes care of the city waste, like the lysosomes do in a cell.



The Cytoplasm is the area between the nucleus and the cell membrane. It contains all the organelles. The ground holds all the buildings and roads in the city together.


Water Tower

The Vacoule holds water and other materials for the cell. The water tower contains a lot of the city’s water.



Cell picture from http://encarta.msn.com/media_461540224_761568585_-1_1/Animal_Cell.html